Dear guests and partners,
During these entirely exceptional times, caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the health and safety of our guests, partners and employees is our top priority.We will do our utmost to offer you the highest level of security and comfort.
We have revised all operational standards and procedures we have implemented measures starting with measuring the body temperature, physical distancing measures and also a permanent coaching of our employees.
Regarding our cleaning and disinfecting protocol of the hotel rooms, conference rooms and common areas we have implemented it together with our partner Cleaning Logistic.
The safety measures that we have introduced will inevitably lead to some restrictions of certain services, including the restaurants and bar of our hotel. Please join and support us in fully complying with the safety measures outlined below.

Common areas
• Mandatory protective mouth and nose covering for staff and guests.
• Hand Sanitizer Dispensers in all common areas, at the reception, in the lobby and in the toilets.
• Hourly disinfection of contact surfaces (door handles, lift call buttons, counters at reception etc.).
• Regular airing of common areas.
• Lift capacity limited to two persons at any one time (except for families).
• Notices displayed in central areas to draw attention to hygiene rules.
• The Restaurant has been reopened and is currently operating in accordance with the latest regulations from the authorities - a distance of minimum 2 meters between tables and no more than 6 guests seated at the same table.
• All guests and staff members will have their temperature checked automatically and remotely using thermal scanners. People with a body temperature above 37,3 degrees Celsius will not be allowed access.

Reception, check-in and check-out
• We recommend credit card payments whenever possible.
• Disinfection of room keys and key cards.

Guest Rooms
• Disinfection of all surfaces in the rooms.
• Regular and frequent disinfection of door handles, light switches, staircase handrails etc.
• Reduced paper amenities in rooms (such as pads and guest directories).
• The staff in charge with housekeeping will wear protective equipment.
• New guests will be accommodated after 24 hours since the previous guest has been checked-out.
• All our rooms are sterilized every day at the departure of the guests with ozone in order to guarantee the disinfection and sanitization of the environments.

Festive and Corporate Events
• Gatherings of up to 25 people will be permitted indoor.
• Tables will be placed keeping a minimum distance of 2 meters between people.
• Regular disinfection of all surfaces by staff and regular airing of the events rooms.
We would like to thank you for the trust you have placed in us. We will continue to do everything we can to help ensure you have a safe and pleasant stay.
We look forward to seeing you again soon!